10 years ago my life changed forever.
Seemingly out of nowhere, I started experiencing intensive anxiety and depression episodes. From there, my body followed the lead of my mind as I developed chronic health issues like eczema and hypothyroidism. I could barely digest anything. I even developed chronic pain disorders that sometimes had me stuck in bed from pain for days. Of course, the anxiety and depression worsened throughout the deteriorating health of my body.
At the time, I barely recognized myself as a lifelong competitive athlete. I had no idea what to eat anymore, how to exercise, and even how to structure my day. I was still “thriving” in my high-powered (and high stress) career in technology. I was still pushing forward with my ambitions throughout all of it but completely lost on the inside. I tried my best to heal with over 100 visits with health providers, and dozens of medications and testing. At times I found temporary relief, only to backtrack shortly.
At my lowest point after a failed career move and the worst pain yet, I finally found the moment of stillness I had been needing for years. In that silence, I had the thought to go to India to immerse myself in traditional Ayurvedic treatments. There was something that was drawing me to try it. I felt like I needed a total mind, body and soul reset — and I couldn’t put it off any longer. I not only found the deep level of healing I personally needed, but also began formally studying the Vedic healing sciences of my ancestors, including Ayurveda, to share the same with others.
These modalities have resulted in a complete resolution of the health issues I was experiencing before. Every day isn’t perfect and none of us are as humans, but with Ayurveda I am able to attune my mind and body to the perfect frequencies of nature in order to continue to live in optimal health, happiness, and peace. Only when I was able to dig deeper and address what was going on in my mind, heart, and body, was I able to truly start the healing process.
I would be honored to help you do the same on your own healing journey.
From my heart to yours.
Certified Ayurvedic Counselor, Pranayama and Yoga teacher